Ombudsman's Page

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Statement of the Council of Religions under the Public Defender of Georgia about the draft law on religious feelings 

In April 2018 a new draft-law was introduced to the Parliament of Georgia according to which ‘insulting religious feelings’ must be punishable under the criminal code. The Human Rights and Civic Integration Committee of the parliament of Georgia supported the proposed idea.

Council of Religions: Address to the Parliament of Georgia 

We, the members of the Council of Religions, under the auspices of the Public Defender (Ombudsman) of Georgia, would like to express our concern about the restrictions of freedom of belief, conscience, and religion, envisaged by the new draft of the amendments to be added in the Georgian Constitution.

Public Defender Congratulates Muslims on Ramadan Bayram 

Muslims have been celebrating Ramadan Bayram these days. According to the Muslims’ calendar, Ramadan is the ninth months. According to a legend, in this month Alah assigned Muhammed as his follower and messenger and charged him with a mission to spread Quran.

Recommendations of Council of Religions for State Agencies, Higher Educational Institutions and Media Organizations 

On May 15, 2017, the Public Defender of Georgia presented recommendations of the Council of Religions of the Public Defender. The presentation was attended by representatives of the state agencies, local and international organizations and religious associations of Georgia.

Christ Is Risen 

The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates all Christians –  the parishes and clergy of the Georgian Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Catholic and Protestant churches – on Easter. Let this special holiday of renewal of faith and invincibility of kindness bring peace, kindness and prosperity to our country and our families.

Public Defender’s Statement on Novruz Bayramı Holiday 

Novruz Bayramı is celebrated in Georgia, like many other countries, on March 21. The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates the citizens of our country on Nowruz Bayrami and shares the joy of the holiday. Novruz is a Persian word. One part of the word "nov" means new, while the other part "ruz" means a day.

Public Defender Wishes Merry Christmas to Parish of Georgian Orthodox Church 

The Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on 7 January. The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates the Georgian Orthodox Church and its parish on this great holiday and wishes them peace, prosperity and health.

Public Defender Wishes Merry Christmas to Armenian Apostolic Church 

The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church and its parish on Christmas and Epiphany. He wishes the 2017 to be a year of happiness, health and kindness.

Christmas Holiday 

Public Defender Ucha Nanuashvili congratulates all Christians in Georgia who celebrate Christmas according to the western calendar, on December 25, on the forthcoming holiday and wishes them kindness, peace, health and progress.

Hanukkah Holiday 

The Public Defender of Georgia congratulates the Jewish community of Georgia on the Hanukkah holiday, which began on December 24 and will last eight days. This is a holiday of renewal and victory of light over darkness. During these days, Jews lit a candle or holy oil every day.


Magazine Solidaroba

Ethnics in Georgia

Religions in Georgia

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