გერმანელები საქართველოში



Statement of the Council of Religions under the Public Defender of Georgia about the draft law on religious feelings

In April 2018 a new draft-law was introduced to the Parliament of Georgia according to which ‘insulting religious feelings’ must be punishable under the criminal code. The Human Rights and Civic Integration Committee of the parliament of Georgia supported the proposed idea.


This is not the first time when the parliament discusses similar initiatives. We, the members of the Council of Religions, realize very well that intolerance and offensive expression is an acute problem, since we have been targets of intolerance and offence for years.


However, despite all of this, we come to an agreement that criminalization or any other form of penalty for insulting religious feelings will endanger freedom of speech and expression – the freedoms that we all practice, will create obstacles to the pluralism and initiation of wide discussions on the most important topics.


We believe that religious organizations must oppose to intolerance and offence with teaching, educational work and prudent counsel. Solving the problem by repressive tools will further aggravate violence and intolerance.


Therefore, we address the Parliament of Georgia not to impose sanctions for insulting religious feelings and thus, not to question democratic and pluralistic development of our country.


Members of the Council of Religions under the auspices of the Public Defender of Georgia:  

  • South Caucasus Apostolic Administration of Latin Rite Catholics
  • Armenian Catholic Church
  • Evangelical-Lutheran Church
  • Evangelical-Baptist Church
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Georgian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
  • Spiritual Council of Yezidis
  • Evangelical-Protestant Church of Georgia
  • Word of Life Evangelical Church
  • Holy Trinity Protestant Church
  • Redeemed Christian Church of God
  • Georgian Muslims Union
  • Supreme Religious Administration of Muslims of All Georgia
  • Caucasus Administration of Muslims
  • The Salvation Army
  • Society for Krishna Consciousness
  • Religious Society of Friends – Quakers
  • Swedenborgian Community
  • Seventh-day Adventist Church


26 April 2018

ჟურნალი სოლიდარობა

ეთნოსები საქართველოში

რელიგიები საქართველოში

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ებრაული, 1 აგვისტო

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